CloudNC’s CAM Assist solution has been named as one of the 30 new technologies that could assist with product development in 2023.
The D3D 30 - by Develop3D, the leading product development magazine - lists technologies that have the potential to change how manufacturers and developers worldwide carry out their work, helping them be more efficient and effective.
“Some of these technologies are from start-ups that we’re excited to see take their first steps out of stealth mode. Others come from established companies that continue to develop new capabilities within existing systems or launch brand-new tools to take customers in new and thrilling directions.
We’re delighted to showcase this illustrious group, selected entirely on merit. Our listing includes new takes on modelling, innovative ways to tackle big data challenges, fresh approaches to 3D printing and more – all with the aim of helping our readers design and build the products and systems of the future,” says Develop3D.
As well as CloudNC, the list includes well-known names such as Autodesk, Lenovo, Siemens, Nvidia, Dell, Hexagon, and many more.
You can see the list in full here.
CAM Assist
CAM Assist - currently available as a plug-in within Autodesk’s Fusion 360 software platform - uses advanced computer science techniques to generate professional machining strategies for 3-axis parts in seconds, which could take CNC machine programmers hours or even days to manually create.
As a result, the amount of time it takes to program a CNC machine to make a component - a bottleneck in many factories, due to a global skills shortage - is reduced by up to 80%, compared to the previous manual programming process.
That gain enables manufacturers using CAM Assist to raise productivity and shorten lead times. In addition, the software frees up time for experienced programmers, while also allowing junior employees to program more complex parts and be productive faster, helping fill the manufacturing sector’s widening skills gap.
CAM Assist is available today for CAM and CAD programmers using Autodesk Fusion 360 at https://www.cloudnc.com.